Mudras & Hand Symbolism

The ancient Egyptians possessed a fount of occult and mystic wisdom. In those days the Egyptian mystical brotherhoods or "Mystery Schools" at Luxor, Thebes, Memphis, and Heliopolis, collectively represented one of the several portals leading to the Universal Great White Brotherhood whose existence was established by cosmic beings for the purpose of advancing the evolution of man through the application of spiritual disciplines and the apprehension of Cosmic laws. These teachings were given in secluded places, in subterranean temples, and at night under the canopy of the heavens.

Many eminent Greek sages studied at these Egyptian schools of metaphysics, among whom were Plato, Thales, Pythagoras, and Democritus. In these Mystery Schools, the goddess Isis was especially venerated. She personified Nature and according to one Greek interpretation she signified occult knowledge. Isis also represented the Mystery Schools and those undergoing training therein later emerged out of her womb and became known as the "twice-born," for they were newly born of the Holy Spirit.

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