10 Things To Know About Egypt

Egypt is both a magical historical place of pyramids and a modern society influential in the Mideast. From mummies to pyramids to Cleopatra to the bible, there is no disputing the fact that Egypt has played a major role in the history of mankind. While it is easy to get caught up in the fascinating history of Egypt, modern Egypt offers just as many interesting tidbits of information. Here are 10 things you might already know about the country or, then again, you might not.

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Mudras & Hand Symbolism

The ancient Egyptians possessed a fount of occult and mystic wisdom. In those days the Egyptian mystical brotherhoods or "Mystery Schools" at Luxor, Thebes, Memphis, and Heliopolis, collectively represented one of the several portals leading to the Universal Great White Brotherhood whose existence was established by cosmic beings for the purpose of advancing the evolution of man through the application of spiritual disciplines and the apprehension of Cosmic laws. These teachings were given in secluded places, in subterranean temples, and at night under the canopy of the heavens.

Many eminent Greek sages studied at these Egyptian schools of metaphysics, among whom were Plato, Thales, Pythagoras, and Democritus. In these Mystery Schools, the goddess Isis was especially venerated. She personified Nature and according to one Greek interpretation she signified occult knowledge. Isis also represented the Mystery Schools and those undergoing training therein later emerged out of her womb and became known as the "twice-born," for they were newly born of the Holy Spirit.

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Egyptian Travel Guide

The land of the Pharaohs. The child of the Nile. Call it by any name but the mystic land never ceases to attract the greatest people to travel to Egypt. It’s the country which is home to the oldest civilization of the world. The magnanimity and the grandeur of the Egyptian civilization is what make it the traveler’s paradise. The popularity of the place is mainly because of the great pyramids at Giza. These architectural and construction wonders have made a firm footing in the list of the Seven Wonders of the World. And that is not all. The pyramids are present at other places too. The famous statue of the Sphinx is also there in Giza. The fertility of the Nile Basin is the main reason why the greatest civilization could thrive there.

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Exotic Scuba Diving In Egypt

For many Europeans, traveling to the Red Sea for scuba diving in Egypt is like many North Americans going to the Caribbean. For a scuba diver based in North America or anywhere else outside of Europe or Africa, a journey to the Red Sea is considered one of the more exotic scuba diving trips. Like other overseas travel, getting to the final destination is the hardest thing. The Red Sea can be dived from ports in both Egypt and Israel but most international scuba divers do so from the Egyptian side.

There are two major Egypt scuba diving areas, Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada. Sharm El Sheikh at the northern part of the Red Sea is the more established center having been a popular vacation resort area as both Egyptians and Europeans have been vacationing here for many years.

The local scuba dive industry grew along with the overall steady growth of classy resorts, shops and other tourist services in Sharm El Sheikh. Hurghada, once just a sleepy fishing village along the west side of the Red Sea, is starting to grow as scuba divers discover this alternative to Sharm El Sheikh.

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The Role Of Animals in Ancient Egypt

To the ancient Egyptians, animals were created by the gods and given rights equal to that of mankind. They saw animals not as their subjects, but rather as independent beings, and treated them with respect.

The Nile served as a source of food and was the most important factor to the agriculture of the region. Fish were plentiful and could be eaten roasted, boiled, salted, preserved, or simply dried in the sun. Because the Nile would flood annually, it revitalized the land with water and fertile silt, enriching the soil to grow wheat, fruits, and vegetables. Additionally, it provided thick grasses on which animals would graze.

The people of ancient Egypt were mainly pescarian, meaning they would often eat fish. The Nile supplied many types of fish, including: catfish, mullet, tilapia, sturgeon, eel, carp, and perch, which were all an important source of nourishment. Along the Nile, there were restrictions on the types of fish that could be eaten because of their connections with the gods. The Pharaoh and other priests would abstain from eating fish altogether because it was forbidden by one of their deities as a food reserved for peasants.

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Traveling Around Egypt And Back

Egypt Trips Are Perfect for Families

Egypt is one of the most thrilling places, mainly because of its pyramids. Egypt is one of the vacationing spots for people living in the west and also people living in other parts of the world. This is the perfect trip for a family who wants to add an educational value to their vacation. Unlike many vacation spots where parents drop their children off at an amusement park for hours at a time, a trip to Egypt is a trip that the entire family can enjoy.

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